Today is National Voter Registration Day, and it’s one of those random holidays I’m pretty excited about. If you’ve been here for a while then you know that civic engagement and social justice hold a special place in my heart and in this portion of the internet so it’s only fitting that we celebrate today!
NVRD is a non-partisan holiday that’s been celebrated for 9 years and it involves thousands of organizations and volunteers working together to ensure their family, friends, and neighbors are registered to vote and ready to cast a ballot. Of course, I’m working with the National Urban League, NULYP, and HAULYP to help get the word out and get folks registered but I’m also spreading the word here in Nashville.
This year’s special for me because I fall into that statistic of the estimated 30+ million Americans who have moved. We might not have another presidential election for a few more years, but there are plenty of local ones and midterms happening between now and then and I want to make sure that my voice is heard so I’ve already filled out the voter registration form for Davidson County in Tennessee, and I’ll be dropping it in the mail today.
I highly recommend y’all visit to find out how to get registered to vote in your area, and you do your part to ensure your voice is heard.