It's here! It's finally here!! I'm linking up with Sar on this. Just in case you guys forgot the prompt for today and well, the rest of them here they are: And since today is day 1, here are 15 fun facts about me.I have one tattoo, it's the Chinese symbol for the word 'strength'. My sister and I got them last February.I got a second piercing in my ears my sophomore year of undergrad, but they've since closed up.I don't know how ... Read the Post...
Kid Fury – The Hilarity of Brown & Bieber
This video has me crying because I'm laughing so hard at work!!I found out about Kid Fury during the Sh*t _____ Say trend from his Sh*t Black Gay Guys say videos and lately I've been going through his vlogs that he has up on Youtube. The man in HILARIOUS but this one for some reason has me in stitches!!! I hate that I'm like years behind on watching his vlogs though...I guess it's time for me to catch up.And just in case you're ... Read the Post...
I think I want a blog makeover.
I've had this blog for some months now and I'm feeling kind of blah about the layout now. It was cute at, I still think it's kind of cute, but I think it's time for a change. What do y'all think? Who should I go with? I made this one by myself (with the help of a blogger layout, of course), but I think I want to get the next one done by someone who actually does blog layouts. Decisions, ... Read the Post...
Friday’s Letters
Linking up with Ashley @ Adventures of Newlyweds on this one! It seems like it's been a while since I've done one of these, but that all changes today!! dear Security Guard Downstairs,Your compliment this morning really made me smile. I hit my snooze button my alarm twice this morning. TWICE. If you know me, then you know that that's unlike me. I usually roll right out of bed when my alarm starts going off. I've ... Read the Post...