Linking up with Sar on this again!!As much as I would love to say that this post probably isn't going to be scheduled, I'm sure it is. It's my off day and I don't think I'll even be around a computer today. I'll probably have to link it up with my phone. Super tech savvy girl right here. Lol![Day 4]: What's your favorite childhood memory?Wow, this is another hard one. I had so many good memories growing up that it's hard ... Read the Post...
What I’m loving on this Pinteresting Wednesday!
I'm combining this post and link up with both Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Jamie @ This Kind of Love again.Okay, so you'd think that since this is a holiday and since I'm off of work that I'd be up bright and early to write this post...nope. At this time I'm probably sleeping in since I don't really get a holiday. Seriously, who deemed that it was okay for the 4th to be on a Wednesday? I can't even go to the lake because I ... Read the Post...
15 Day Challenge – Day 3
Linking up with Sar again!![Day 3]: Tell us about an article of clothing you're attached to.I racked my brain for a good 15 minutes before this particular article of clothing hit me. I wish I had a picture of it because it's the simplest of shirts, but it means so much to me. I'm not just saying that because I'm a [recovering] t-shirt hoarder either. I've been playing the flute since 6th grade, I marched it for 6 years and still ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Justin Nozuka
So I got the idea of this from Meghan and decided to run with it. I've seen something like it on other blogs, but it was her encouragement that tipped me over to doing it. I'm not sure if y'all read the 15 day post I did on Sunday, but I mentioned that I have over 16,000 songs on my iPod. It's actually 16,901; and that's not including videos, pictures and podcasts. I love music. I'm a connoisseur of music. And I ... Read the Post...