Linking up with Sar! [Day 11]: What's one thing you would never change about yourself? You know how people will say that they're a "people person" on their resumes or in interviews? Well I truly am a people person. I don't know why it is, but I'm pretty good with people. My cousin likes to tell me that she likes to take me with her whenever she goes somewhere new because I can make a friend pretty quickly ... Read the Post...
What I’m loving on this Pinteresting Wednesday
I'm combining this post and link up with both Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Jamie @ This Kind of Love again.Visiting Ryan in Boston really had an impact on me. That city is beautiful and is the inspiration behind this Wednesday's post! source source source source source source source source source source source ... Read the Post...
Okay, I'm aware that that's not how you spell the city's name, but that's the way I heard it pronounced and it just made me smile.I've been posting about going on this trip for what seems like ever...and it finally happened!!! I really wish that I would've taken more pictures, but my camera batteries died and I never got around to buying more. I did take a few pictures with my phone and I wanted to share those.dinner my first night, anadama ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Chrisette Michele’s ‘Epiphany’ album
I know that last week I mentioned Justin Nozuka and all his albums, but this week I wanted to shine a light on one album in particular by the artist that I'm mentioning this week. In my opinion it's her best yet. I'm referring to Chrisette Michele's 'Epiphany' album. This is her sophomore album and had hits like:Fragile:What you do:and Epiphany:(sidenote: Drake plays her boyfriend in this video!)I love Chrisette's soulful ... Read the Post...