I'll be linking up with Ashley & Neely again on this!Best trip you've ever been on?I'm going to have to say it was when the girls and I surprised our friend Megan with a trip to New Orleans for her birthday in 2008. We booked the hotel and flight without her knowing and we were so good that she didn't figure it out until we were at the airport picking up our boarding passes!Birthday girl at the airport!The gorgeous elevator at the ... Read the Post...
15 Day Challenge – Day 15
Is it really over? Like for reals? Wow. We've actually done it. 15 different prompts in 15 days. I want to thank Sar for hosting this, thank everyone who submitted questions for us to answer over these past couple of weeks, and thank everyone who's participated. This was like the perfect mixer for a newbie like me. This is the final prompt and this one hits a little close to home for me.[Day 15]: ... Read the Post...
15 Day Challenge – Day 14
I feel like belting out this song. I know that the song is about a relationship, but some of the words fit. Lol! I can't believe that this challenge is winding down. I'm really happy that I participated in it though. I've discovered quite a few new blogs and have been introduced to some amazing women. Thanks Sar again for this![Day 14]: If you were only allowed to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what ... Read the Post...
15 Day Challenge – Day 13
I'm still shocked that Sunday will be the last day of this challenge. I'm kind of sad about that actually. I guess that means that I'll just make these last few days count!!I'm linking up with Sar again![Day 13]: What are your favorites?Color?Blue. But you wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at all of my accessories and things in my closet. I have a lot of pink for someone who's favorite color is not ... Read the Post...