Linking up with Tara and VickiI haven't done one of these in a while; I told y'all that I've been slacking but that's going to change. I definitely change my manicure at least twice a week, and I'm going to try and document them more. By the time I think about taking a picture of them I'll be on day 3 with tip wear and we all know that that's not so pretty. This mani is actually one that I had done while I was in ... Read the Post...
That one time I went to Toronto…
Here are a few pictures from my trip.I can't wait to go back next year.they use real sugar in their soda instead of HFCS like we do here in the states.we all wore these shirts to the show. ... Read the Post...
It’s my birthday!!!
(source) I'm officially 24 today!!I can't believe that my birthday's here; it feels like just yesterday I was turning 21. I've been taking advantage of the free birthday coupons I've been receiving this month and definitely had enough caffeine to power a couple of doctors this morning.I walked into work and saw these with some cash stapled to them on my computer monitors and almost cried. I love my co-workers!And I've been getting ... Read the Post...
OVO Fest 2012
I'm back!!! I know it's been like a week since my last post, but I was so wrapped up in getting to/enjoying Toronto that I didn't even think about this blog.*scolds self*Anywho! I'm back at home...well work and wanted to share a few pictures of the trip. I don't want to overload y'all all at once so I'm probably going to do about two or three posts on the trip. This post is going to be about the concert itself. First ... Read the Post...