I'm linking up with Heather @ Glitter and Gloss on this! I told y'all that I was going to get better at this and I think that this is a step in the right direction. We have people from corporate coming in this week and I wanted to do a neutral nail...with a pop of me though!Enter this mani:For this manicure I used Pure Ice's "Taupe Drawer" and Spoiled's "I've got a confection to make". Apparently there were 2 different shades ... Read the Post...
The second (or maybe third) time around…
I'm starting Weight Watchers today.For like the second (or maybe third) time.It's worked for me in the past, in fact I think it was the only "diet" plan that did. I put "diet" in quotations because it's more of a way of life than it is a diet. Plus, I think my brain rebels when I tell it that I want to go on a diet. What can I say, I like to color outside the lines and buck the system a bit.Anywho! It's definitely going to take ... Read the Post...
Sunday Social – Ed. 10
I'll be linking up with Ashley & Neely again on this!No, your eyes aren't wrong. I definitely skipped over week 9, but that's because I was in Toronto. In fact that was the day of Drake's show so I definitely wasn't posting. Had I thought about it I would've scheduled a post ahead of time, but I didn't think about it. So now we're at week 10 and I'm back!!This week's questions are geared towards food.If you could only ... Read the Post...
Friday’s Letters
Linking up with Ashley @ Adventures of Newlyweds on this one!I'm back at it again! [dear Weekend],Time to recover and get some much needed rest...after I go out and party tonight! You'll probably blur together for me once I get home after tonight's festivities.[dear Waitress at Benihana's],I was going to lose my mind if I heard you say "the thing about the birthday certificate" one more time last night. Ugh![dear Buca],I'm ... Read the Post...