Linking up with Heather @ Blonde...Undercover Blonde on this again.This was actually the first book I borrowed with the Amazon Kindle Owners Lending Library. I bucked up and paid for Amazon prime for the first time (though I've been using it for the past 5 years). I read the synopsis and thought it would be the perfect light book I needed for the weekend. It was, I finished it in two days.Synopsis:Waverly Bryson is a late-20s ... Read the Post...
What I’m loving on this Pinteresting Wednesday!
I'm combining this post and link up with both Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Jamie @ This Kind of Love again.I meant to post this last Wednesday since Autumn started the on Sept. 22nd, but better than never right?Well, on my blog at least! This Pinteresting post is dedicated to a few of my favorite things about Fall!source sourcesourcesourcesourcesourceWhat are you loving on this Pinteresting Wednesday? ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Like OMG, Baby!
I had this song stuck in my head one morning and I wanted to share it with y'all.I love mash-ups, especially when they're done properly. Its like the best of both worlds and this particular DJ is very talented when it comes to them. This one's a few years old, but its one of my favorites by him. ... Read the Post...
Linking back up with Sar and another awesome blogger Syndal on this! This weekend, I went with my cousin Ari to College Station and watched Texas A&M demolish Arkansas on the field. It was a blow-out and the weather was terrible. We initially went up to tailgate, but ended up going inside the MSC to watch the game along with quite a few other fans. This weekend, I GOT MY NEW PHONE!! I'm so excited!! It came in the ... Read the Post...