Linking up with Sar & Sydnal on this again.This weekend some much needed girl time in!...tried a new restaurant (new to me at least), had a pretty good breakfast and got tweeted by them after I posted this picture.I'll definitely be going back!...did a bit of shopping.I bought these at Express and stopped into Victoria's Secret for some essentials....tried a new drink at Starbucks, a Black Tea Lemonade. Those of you who love ... Read the Post...
Black History Month
I meant to do a post about this at the beginning of the month, but forgot. Then I was going to wait until the end of the month to do one, but when I saw this photos by Eunique Jones and I knew that I couldn't wait. I'd been seeing these float around on Facebook and Twitter and found the photographer's facebook page yesterday to check out all of them. She threw out the idea of continuing this past this month and I think it's ... Read the Post...
It’s my anniversary…
[cue's up the Toni Tone Tony track]This past Sunday was my first anniversary with Chuck and we decided to get away for the weekend to celebrate it. We'd toyed around with the idea of going to Dallas, but soon figured out that there wouldn't be much to do there that we couldn't do in town; so it was decided that Austin would be the destination for our anniversary roadtrip. Getting out of Houston was absolute hell on Saturday!! It took ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: DJ AudiTory – The 90’s
I know a few really talented ones and this playlist comes from a mixtape that one of them put out last year. I wish he had the mixtape on Spotify, but this is the next best thing. This is his 90's mix. ... Read the Post...