Linking up with Tara and VickiIf you're following me on Instagram or Twitter you've probably seen these pictures...if you're not following me you should!I'm sure that you guys are probably tired of me bragging about my at home gel mani that I did last weekend.If you are then you should stop reading mean it.Stop reading this post now.*waits*Okay, is the coast clear? Everyone who still wants to know how amazing this ... Read the Post...
It’s Thursday again!
I'll be linking up with Sar, Amber & Neely on this again!! I'm not even sure why I still do this prompt; maybe out of habit?It's Okay......that I took 2 days off after the accident. I needed that time for my body to recover. ...that my manicure held up through the accident. I have a few scratches on a few nails but so far I've been the only one who has noticed. ...that my co-workers missed me and checked up on me ... Read the Post...
Accidents suck.
viaI was hit by a car on Monday evening.I think that that finally sunk in today. I haven't really told anyone outside of my boss and co-workers (since I haven't been able to come into work) and my immediate family and friends, but I felt like it was time to share it with y'all.I was never unconscious, I remember everything. I was crossing the street but I didn't wait for the pedestrian green and crossed on a red. I saw the ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Mellow 80’s
As a promotion for The Carrie Diaries, Spotify was warping playlists to an 80's version of them. I thought it was pretty cool and decided to warp my 'Mellow' playlist. Below are both my version and the 80's version of it. Not gonna lie, the 80's version gets more play now than my version. ... Read the Post...