I'm combining this post and link up with both Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Jamie @ This Kind of Love again. All of these pins can be found on my For My Blog pinterest board. I decided to change up my make-up routine a few weeks ago and bought a tube of Maybelline's BB Cream in Medium/Deep. I was in Target the Sunday after my break-up and I'd heard so many good things about it, and I figured that it ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Take Back the Night
I told y'all, I'm a Justin Timberlake fan. I might have had a few spasms when I saw the "Take back the night" preview video last week. Especially on this screen. NEW MUSIC!!! I know some feel like it might be a bit soon, especially since he just dropped the "Tunnel Vision" video (ugh), but I think that this was a good time to release it. He's on a quick summer tour with Jay-Z and he probably ... Read the Post...
My heart is heavy.
Between hearing the verdict on the Zimmerman trial and finding out about Cory Monteith's overdose, last night just wasn't a good night. I'm praying that the Martin family continue to find peace in this trying time and that Cory's loved ones do the same. I wasn't sure if I was going to address the Zimmerman trial on my blog, but then I saw a Facebook post from a friend earlier that stuck with me and I think I'm going to share instead. ... Read the Post...
Nail Files: Coral Reef
I'm linking up with Jennie this week!! I've had this polish for a while, but I didn't start wearing it as much until I started doing the at home gel mani. I felt that it was way too creamy for me to wear before hand and I just couldn't make it work. Well I can now and I made it work for an entire week about a month ago when I wore this mani. I guess I'm behind when it comes to post my current manis on here, but ... Read the Post...