And we're back for another installment of 'Dating Chronicles'! Here's another glimpse into the messages (sometimes sweet, most times crazy) I receive while on this online dating journey. I keep telling myself that I'm going to deactivate my account but then I come across nice guys like the one I'm talking to now (not the one I'm writing this post about) and I decide to leave it up just a little bit longer.Today's post is brought ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Maroon 5 at the Houston Livestock & Rodeo
I'm going to see Maroon 5 this Thursday at the rodeo! I haven't seen them live since the last time they performed at the rodeo and excitement doesn't begin to describe how I'm feeling. Artists typically do hour long sets so they do about 8-10 songs during a performance. Here are few tracks I'm hoping they'll do.Are any of y'all going to see Maroon 5 tonight in Houston? ... Read the Post...
Five on Friday
It's already! Where has this week gone? I'm actually posting this a lot later in the day than I usually would, I got a later start on my day but that's okay. I needed it after last night.Here we go![1] I'm currently munching on Chik Fil A while I write this. I haven't eaten there in a while so when a co-worker said that she was stopping there for lunch I couldn't give her my money fast enough. ... Read the Post...
Apartment Chronicles: I can’t believe it’s almost time!!
I can't believe I'm moving into my new apartment in two weeks! I'm really excited about this move, and if I was smart I would've looked into this apartment community when I moved out of my parents last year. I'm in a better place financially now than I was then and am able to afford a nicer place, closer to town (and to my parents, which is something my dad is THRILLED about) and a place that has all the amenities that I want in ... Read the Post...