The most embarassing moment I always tell people about is from my freshman year of high school. Picture this: Homecoming game, halftime, we only have to march the finale part of our marching show because of everything else that goes on a halftime during the Homecoming game. The last set of the show all I had to do was march 12 steps down the 50 yard line. That's it. Of course I tripped. And of course ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: When I’m alone
Linking up with these ladies again!Today's prompt actually made me think of one of my favorite songs by Robin Thicke, something that's way better than his new album. He released it when he still had his long flowing locks and when he just went by his surname "Thicke".I loved him back then (his voice has always been like buttah to me) and didn't think he'd grow to be this guy:He's a hot one. Anywho, now that I've gone off on a ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: Day 7 – Smile
Linking up with these ladies again!Today's prompt is all about things that make you happy.viaI love a good list just as much as the next blogger and I figured that the easiest way to do this would be to do in it list format.1. Love2. My family3. My friends4. Dr. Pepper - especially Dublin Dr. Pepper that's made with real sugar5. Harry Potter Weekends on ABC Family6. Dancing at my desk at work (and hoping no one is watching)7. Iced white ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: Day 6 – Never Ever
Linking up with these ladies again!I don't know about y'all, but I love a good game of "Never have I ever". It's a great ice breaker and it's always fun when there are adult beverages involved at a party. So here's my own little version of it.You'll never catch me...Going through an entire day without listening to music.(I keep Spotify playing when I’m at work and at home on weekends. Music keeps me sane.)Turning down a ... Read the Post...