Linking up with these ladies again! I'm sure I'm going to sound like a broken record with this, and I'm sure that there are better answers out there but I can't live without my phone. I was toying with the idea of saying that I can't live without technology, which is true, I'm definitely a product of my generation when it comes to that. But more specifically I can't live without my phone. I could ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: Dinner dates!
Linking up with these ladies again!Today's prompt asks us which five people (dead or alive) we'd want to sit down and have dinner with. Some of these people were a no-brainer for me, others took me a bit of thought.My mother. This one is a no-brainer. I haven't felt her physical presence on this earth in 11 years and I miss her everyday. What I would give to have one more meal with her. Dr. Maya ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: Chuckle Chuckle
Linking up with these ladies again!I'm also linking up with Karli @ September Farm for the new Friday link-up.Today's post is going to be fully of some of my favorite someecards I found on Pinterest.viaviaviaviaviaThere are so many more that I could share, but I knew that I had to limit to to just a few. What are some of your favorite funny pins? Link up and let me know!Oh! My Firmoo giveaway ends tonight so don't forget to enter!!! ... Read the Post...
BEiJ: Summer, summer, summertime!
Linking up with these ladies again.Summer's back and I'm happy...well kind of. Like the rest of the nation we experienced a really long and uncommon winter and though its nice to not have to sit through 35 degree cold in March, I'm not digging the 95 degree heat.Houston doesn't get all four season, we get Summer and "Swinter" as my cousin Tavaria affectionately calls Fall/Winter.It's hot and humid and I have a love/hate relationship with ... Read the Post...