On Saturday Lifetime aired their Aaliyah biopic and I (along with many many other people) have so many questions and concerns. Backstory: The movie was originally supposed to star Disney star Zendaya but she backed out once it came out that Aaliyah's family was against the film being made. That should've been a sign right there. Well they went ahead and made it anyway with Alexandra Shipp, the girl who had the lead ... Read the Post...
I posted about this a bit on Friday, but I wanted to write a full post about it because it’s been weighing heavily on my heart. If you didn’t watch the video before I suggest you take a look below, it’s not that long. All jokes about his misuse of tense and turning ‘delivered’ into ‘DELIVERT’, I see a troubled young man who is being paraded around and encouraged to hate himself because other people do. I believe that gay people are ... Read the Post...
Five Things Friday
I fee like I say this every Friday, but this week really has flown by! I can't believe that it's already Friday and that it's on the last ones of this year! Okay, you guys know the drill. Here goes!1. Taylor Swift's Blank Space video.I friggin' love the video! She's making fun of herself and playing into how she's seen in the public's eye as far as her love life goes. I love the Gatsby theme and the eye-candy. ... Read the Post...
Sweater Weather Tag
I was reading my daily feed of blogs when I came across this tag on A Brilliant Brunette. I read all of her answers and knew that I had to do the tag myself.So, here we go!1. Favorite candle scent? I usually go for the Stress Relief candle from Bath & Body Works, or something like it, but as of late I’ve really been loving their Mahogany Teakwood & Flannel scents. They smell like a man!2. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? ... Read the Post...