No indictment by the grand jury. I hate to say this, but I kind of figured that was going to happen. I feel like this was one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type situations. Even if Officer Wilson had been indicted there would be an argument over what his punishment would be. What is a life worth to the citizens of that community? What's a black life worth? I shed a few tears last night while watching that coverage. I got angry, ... Read the Post...
Weekend Recap…via my iPhone
I had a really busy weekend and I want to break it down over a few posts. I just feel like the baby shower and Friendsgiving deserve their own posts, but I will give an overview of them today.I spent Friday evening with my girl Millican (we have the same first name, so we get called by our last names when we're out together) and we saw Mockingjay Part 1, but not before getting some retail therapy in. We stopped by Torrid and took ... Read the Post...
12 times Hallmark made me wish I was in a relationship
Hallmark has started running Christmas movies 24 hours a day and I love it! We only have a few more weeks left in the year and this is truly my favorite time of the year. ABC Family doesn't start their '25 Days of Christmas' until the December 1st, but we can always count on Hallmark getting the party started a little bit early with uber cheesy, unrealistic Christmas love stories. Well, this weekend I randomly woke ... Read the Post...
Oh, how I love Influenster
I'm not sure if you guys have noticed my love for Influenster on this blog throughout the years, but it's definitely here. Between the numerous VoxBoxes I've received and the button on my sidebar, the site has a prominent presence on this part of the web. I love receiving products that I wouldn't necessarily think to purchase and reviewing them for you guys. What I love about Influenster is that it's a community, it connects ... Read the Post...