I had a cutesy blog post scheduled for today, another "gift idea" type post, but I saw something last night that really spoke to me and I wanted to speak on it. #CrimingWhileWhite and #AliveWhileBlack were trending topics last night and reading some of those tweets floored me. I've heard people say that racial profiling and racism in general are a thing of the past, but these messages (and what I've seen with my own two eyes) say ... Read the Post...
Christmas List – Mugs
I've been seeing quite a few of these floating around and I wanted to join in on the fun. It's getting cooler outside and I'm enjoying my weekend coffees out on my patio. I don't have much of a mug collection now, but I'm looking to expand it. Hopefully I'll get one (or maybe a few of these) for Christmas!Christmas List - Mugs by lehautejaz featuring a ceramic mugWhat are some of y'alls favorite mugs? ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: Grown-up Christmas List
Good morning!! I'm probably asleep as you're reading this, recovering from the Justin Timberlake concert last night (I didn't get to go to the show because I was home sick), but I wanted to share one of my favorite Christmas songs with y'all. Last year I shared my Christmas playlist on Spotify at one time, but I'm going to break it down this year. I currently have 150+ songs on it and that might be a bit ... Read the Post...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I know most of you are with family now having fun and probably preparing to feast around lunch time. I just wanted to drop in quickly and share a few pics from the Friendsgiving I had on Sunday and share a few things I'm thankful for this year.First up! I want to thank everyone who joined me Sunday for Friendsgiving! I think I'll keep this tradition up. We ... Read the Post...