I forgot to take pictures all weekend so here's a random one for this post. This weekend was an eventful one, Justin Timberlake turned 34 and announced that he and his wife are indeed expecting, I had a margarita & charades shindig at my place and there was this little game on TV called the SuperBowl. So...bullet points: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE AND JESSICA BIEL ARE PREGNANT! I'm happy for the ... Read the Post...
Five Things Friday
It's FRIDAY!!! I can honestly say that I'm happy this day is here. I'm looking forward to this weekend, though I'm not looking forward to all the rain that's coming with it. Speaking of weather... 1. We've had a beautiful week here in Houston! I know we're in the middle of "winter", but it's been quite sunny and nice out. It's been a nice change to that dreary mess that was here the past few ... Read the Post...
The one where I never stop learning
source So we've all heard the phrase "you never stop learning", right? Well it's true. About a month ago I started feeling really nostalgic of my undergrad days and had the itch to sign up for a few classes. Well, classes tend to equal money and a set schedule (unless they're strictly online classes) and I knew that that wouldn't necessarily work for me. I didn't have the room in my budget to spend $1500 or so ... Read the Post...
I got that red lip classic thing that you like….
That song is so friggin' catchy and that particular line makes me want to put on a red lip and sunglasses and ride down the highway with the sunroof open.Too much?Anywho! I love a classic red lip and feel like everyone can pull one off. I didn't get into makeup until a few years ago and I didn't really get into lip products until like a year and half ago. I have a prominent bottom lip and the inner part doesn't take color very ... Read the Post...