I had a really cute blog post queued up about the Target Beauty Box I just received, but I wanted to put that on the back burner to talk about something that's been on my heart since last night. By now I'm sure you guys have heard about what's going on in Baltimore. Another life was ended too soon by alleged police brutality and/or neglect and as a result some people took to the street doing the only thing they knew could bring the ... Read the Post...
This recap is long overdue, I'm so sorry y'all. Between last week at work and dealing with a mild case of Mal de debarquement I just didn't have the time to sit down and write the post. Well that's all changed.Our cruise was from Thursday afternoon to Monday morning so I worked off-site Thursday morning, tying up a few loose ends in the office before heading off to Galveston. We had some really bad weather that week and it ... Read the Post...
Friday’s Letters
It's Friday, you guys know the drill. Dear Friday: You got here so quickly! This week has flown by. Dear Carnival Cruise Line: Thank you so much for such a great vacation. I'm already ready to go back. Dear Readers: Thank you so much for being so patient with my recap. Dear Post Embarkment Syndrome: I'm so happy you're almost over. All that rocking was getting on my nerves. Dear UVerse Remote App: ... Read the Post...
These are a few of my favorite things
I know it feels like I'm holding off on my cruise recap, and in all honesty I am. I really want to save it for Monday so I'll share a few of my favorite things with y'all today. And yes, I was totally thinking of the song when I figured out today's prompt.These are a few of my favorite things......the perfect nude lipstick for me (Revlon's Super Lustruous in Pink Cognito) and pairing it with one of my favorite light pink ... Read the Post...