Summer has officially started and I figured that now's probably the best time for me to set some goals to accomplish this summer. I have a few more things that I want to tick off my bucket list this summer, but here are 5 things I definitely want to focus on. Read 3 leisure books: I've really slacked off with my reading this past few months, and I need that to change. I'm not sure if it's because I ... Read the Post...
Friday’s Letters
Happy Friday, y'all! This week has been a crazy roller coaster, but I wanted to end things on a high note. Dear Weekend: I'm so excited you're here. Hopefully the weather holds up so I can enjoy the family picnic I have on Sunday. Dear SCOTUS: I'm so proud of you guys! Gay marriage is now legal in ALL 50 STATES!!! In fact, we're just gonna call it "marriage" now. Dear Teens who developed ... Read the Post...
Just a flag?
I know I usually include a picture with each post, but that's not happening with this one. There's been a whole lot of controversy recently about the Confederate battle flag that's being removed from the South Carolina state capitol building. Wal-mart, Sears, Amazon and eBay are stepping forward and saying that they won't sell any more merchandise featuring the flag, and even more people are marching and protesting the flag saying ... Read the Post...
Happy Birthday Marc!
Happy birthday to this guy!! So glad we reconnected last year, sir. You've been so much more than a voice of reason, you've been a "big brother" to me. Thank you for introducting me to some pretty amazing people, and here's to another year! Love ya! ... Read the Post...