Fun fact, I have a slight fear of heights. I love to fly and don't mind going up to the 43rd floor in one of the buildings on our campus, but what separates those from the Capilano Suspension Bridge is that both of those are enclosed. I feel pretty darn safe enclosed in an airplane and in an elevator. That was not the case for the suspension bridge I visited in Vancouver while on vacation. We were suspended about 230 feet above the ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: 10 Go To Karaoke Songs
In case you're new around here, I love music. Whether it's jamming out to Spotify to make my workday go by faster, blasting smooth jazz while cleaning my place, enjoying a live show with hundreds or thousand of other fans, or going out and doing karaoke with friends live music gives me life! I've had a few karaoke nights recently and while I'll mix it up a bit and join in with friends on whatever song they want to sing, I keep a few ... Read the Post...
Five Tips to Stay Productive & Organized – A Giveaway!
There are days that I'm amazed that stay on top of it all. Between working a full-time job, maintaining a life outside of work and blogging things can get overwhelming at times. I wouldn't be able to keep my head on straight if I wasn't organized and didn't listen to my body cues, and I wanted to share a few tips on how to do so with y'all. Get enough rest - I feel like I can't say this enough. For some reason people ... Read the Post...
Friday Wrap-Up
Whew! It's Friday and I don't think I've looked forward to a Friday this much in a long time. Between the goings on at work and my apartment being in slight disarray, I'm looking forward to a weekend at home. I need to spring clean a few things and get a few blog posts out of my head and in OneNote. But before I do that I want to share a few things with y'all. I'm slowly getting the hang of Snapchat (snap name 'andallthatjazie') ... Read the Post...