I'll be starting a new role in my company soon, same account and location just a different suite. I'm in the process of moving and thought what better time to share my office necessities with y'all than now. Multi-colored writing utensils - No, I'm not just referring to black, blue and red pens. I live a colorful life and my writing utensils should match. My desk caddy is overflowing with so many colored Sharpies, ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday – Mood Booster Mix
Sometimes you just need a good mood booster, and the music does that for me instantly. The right playlist can turn around a bad day or keep me on cloud 9. There are scientific facts behind this too, I'm not making it up. For me that playlist is a mix of recent top 40 hits, early 00's pop, 90's r&b, a bit of old school and even a few rap songs. These are usually up-tempo songs that I can do a little dance to, whether it's doing a ... Read the Post...
2016 Summer Essentials
I've lived in Houston most of my life and the summers here can be a bit unbearable without the right essentials. Working full time means that I don't get the long summer breaks that I used to get when I was in school, but that doesn't mean that my essentials have changed. Whether it's something as simple as a fun manicure to make my work day brighter, or the perfect crossbody for all of the shows and festivals that fill the summer ... Read the Post...
Favorite WordPress Plugins
I made the switch from Blogger to Wordpress earlier this year and that's when I fell in love with all the plugins the platform offered. I loved how customizable everything now was and went on the search for ways to streamline things and make them easier for me and you guys, my readers. I quickly found out that plugins weren't like Pokemon, that I shouldn't have a million and one running behind the scenes, but I did find ... Read the Post...