Hey y'all! I'm back at it again with another planning post for my upcoming European vacation. If you missed my last one you can check it out here. I touched on a few places I wanted to visit in that one, but in this one I'll be talking about what I want to bring with me. I only plan on bringing my purple carry-on suitcase and a backpack (I really don't want to check a bag) so I'm working on making a list of things that I'll ... Read the Post...
Tuneage Tuesday: A Seat at the Table
Last Friday Solange dropped a surprise album…well kind of a surprise she made a press release earlier that week. I was hesitant because I didn't see anything about it being released to Spotify on that first day, but I was beyond excited when it was. I've always loved Solange's style and sound. She has a light tone and tends to make music that's outside the box, not conforming to any one genre or style. I took a look at the tracklist and ... Read the Post...
I’m Judging You – A Book Review
I did it. I finally did it. I'm a pretty fast reader, but I wanted to take my time and take notes as I read because I just knew I had to review this book for y'all. For those of you who don't know, Luvvie is a long-time blogger and one of my favorites. I've been following her blog for years so when she announced that she was releasing a book this year I just knew I had to read it. I was ready to pre-order it before I ... Read the Post...
The One About Cultural Appropriation and Offensiveness
I don't know about y'all, but I've been seeing commercials for Disney's upcoming movie 'Moana' and I'm truly excited about the film. Dwayne Johnson voicing a demigod, a Disney princess that's built like an actual person and music by Lin-Manuel Miranda? Sign me up for opening weekend tickets! The storyline sounds great and it truly seems like a movie that the entire family will enjoy. Well Disney being the big business that it is has ... Read the Post...