Burnout is real. I feel like I could stop this blog post right there because of how true that statement is, but I’ll continue. For some reason we’re obsessed with doing ALL THE THINGS right now. We’re working our 9-5 jobs, running side hustles, taking care of loved ones, traveling, doing our best to better the world, but we’re often neglecting ourselves. And I’m not talking about the self-care aspect, because we’re doing a little bit of that, but all of the plates that we’re spinning at the same time will eventually collapsed if they’re not balanced correctly.
Now by no means am I an expert, but I’ve been working with my therapist and have a bit of experience in using the right tools to help me balance it all. And I’m not going to lie, it takes work. This isn’t a quick fix, but hopefully these tools will help relieve that “drowning” feeling that comes along with trying to everything all the time. Hopefully these tools will help relieve that “drowning” feeling that comes along with trying to do everything at once.
Physical planners – I’ve mentioned my Happy Planner on this blog a few times, and I swear by it. I love how customizable it is and how easy it is to add expansion packs, but what really helps me is being able to see my month and week at a glance. That helps alleviate the anxious feeling, and helps me with my game plan to attack my week/month.
Digital calendar – Depending on what purse I’m carrying that day, I may not always have my physical planner with me. My GCal not only sends me daily notifications, but it keeps me on track with my day. Anything that’s in my physical planner is also in my digital one, as well as potential meetings. Ask my cousin, I’ll send a calendar invite for everything! I want to make sure that I don’t forget things, and it also helps me with breaking up my day and not overloading it.
Digital notebooks – I love a good Moleskin, I even have a few, but like my planner I don’t carry them all the time. Insert OneNote. I’ve been using it since undergrad and I love how accessible it is. I can type notes on my computer, phone, iPad and pull them up anywhere. I can add files to pages, audio notes, pictures, just about anything and easily share pages or even whole notebooks with people.
Disconnect – I know that this is hard to do, especially in a world where FOMO is a thing but it’s necessary at least once a week for me. In fact, I recommend everyone do it at least once a week. Whether it’s for a whole day or even just a few hours, put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and disconnect from the world. Read a book, take a nap, go for a walk, journal, do something else other than scroll on your phone mindlessly.
Get some rest – Real rest. Like adopt a decent sleep schedule and stick to it. Our bodies aren’t just fatigue because we’re doing everything, but because we’re trying to do that on an empty tank. I love a good trenta cold brew as much as the next person, but caffeine won’t replace a good night’s sleep. Take a nap, go to bed early, do what works for you and watch your life change.
Do one thing a day that makes you happy – This piece of advice isn’t anything new, but it always blows people’s minds when I mention it. Whether it’s shower karaoke, doodling, or even listening to your current favorite song on repeat for an hour at the office (I’ve totally done this) do one thing every day that will bring a smile to your face.
We were not put on this earth to just pay bills and die, so do yourselves a favor and find a way to balance it all so you can thrive!