I was never a HUGE Jonas Brothers fan. Don’t get me wrong, I liked their songs and still play their ‘A Little Bit Longer’ album regularly but I didn’t love them like I love *NSYNC. I get the hype behind them though. Nick and Joe’s voices, Kevin’s energy and their bond as brothers definitely made them unique. I didn’t really start paying attention to them until they were ‘Camp Rock’, but after that I was kind of hooked. In fact, I came across a Facebook memory post of mine from 2009 that said “Only 10 minutes until I can listen to ‘Lines, Vines and Trying Times’.
…okay, I guess I was a bigger fan than I thought.
I wasn’t too devastated when they took a break after that album because Nick went on to do his project with The Administration, Joe did his solo project and Nick then went on to drop two more solo projects. In fact, I LOVE Nick’s solo albums! But as much as I love them they’re nothing like a full JoBro project. I’m not gonna lie, I squealed a little bit the first time I heard “Sucker”. It’s an earworm and a bop! I had high hopes for their new album, and they didn’t let me down. Now it’s not an album that I’ll play top to bottom, but there are more tracks on there that I like than ones that I don’t like. Early favorites were “Sucker” (duh), “Cool”, “Rollercoaster”, “Happy When I’m Sad”, and “Love Her”. You can hear the growth in their sound and lyrics. These are married men and their odes to their wives are beautiful. Do yourselves a favor and take a listen below if you haven’t had a chance to check out the project.