I’ve been pretty blessed/lucky/whatever you want to call it in the co-worker department. I haven’t been in corporate America that long, but the connections that I’ve made are some that will probably last a lifetime. These are friendships that have lasted through departmental changes, retirements, and even company changes!
I know that it’s not common, and it’s definitely something I don’t go looking for in every career change. These kinds of connections are organic and in my opinion, they’re the best ones. In these are the kinds of friendships it’s not uncommon for weekly lunch dates, holiday getaways, MMA fights, girls night outs, concert dates and more!
We’ve had countless happy hours, holiday parties and even beach getaways together. We support each other’s families, solo ventures, and even small businesses because that’s just what you do for those who you love. We’re there when someone needs to vent if they need a sounding board to bounce ideas off of, or simply to gas them up if that’s needed as well. We’re a diverse bunch and I’ve had some pretty deep talks with them about topics ranging from the best decade of music to politics and just about everything in between.
It’s funny, when I first started working I was told to go in there and do my job and do it well. Don’t make it a habit of socializing too much because I wasn’t there to make friends, but that’s what I ended up doing. And I’m truly grateful for every friendship.