We’re back with another episode of ‘Le Haute Paire’, and this week’s episode is one that’s close to my heart. The topic of police brutality, especially in minority communities has been a hot topic these past few years. It’s not something that’s new, people are just speaking up more often about it now. Whether it’s because we’re fed up or because social media has allowed us to let the world see what’s been going on this topic has been in the news quite a bit recently.
I wanted to bring on two guests I think were perfect for this topic. Not only are they adults that I’ve looked up to my whole life because they’re my aunt and uncle, but they have decades of peace officer experience between the two of them. Almost 40 years in fact. I wanted them to come on because people have misconstrued the ‘Black Lives Matter’ message and movement, and I knew that they could set it straight and in a way that everyone could understand. I don’t want to give too much away, so I’m just going to encourage y’all to take a listen below and let me know what you think. If you don’t feel comfortable commenting below or even DM’ing me then send me an email.
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