Today is International Women’s Day and while it might not seem like an important holiday to some, I find it very important. Our current political climate has led us to believe that women, minorities, immigrants and LGBTQ should be treated as less than, but you and I both know that that isn’t true. In fact, there’s been a call for a strike today. A day without women.
I understand that those who called for it were probably coming from a good place, but this screams privilege to me. While it would be nice if all women could just take the day off, we know that that’s not logistically possible. I have a feeling if some women did they’d face some of the consequences that fell upon those who participated in the ‘Day Without Immigrants’. Employment isn’t guaranteed, and there are thousands (if not millions) of people who live paycheck to paycheck so taking a day off work without pay isn’t financially responsible.
I came across this article on Bustle that recommended ways we could participate in the strike without taking off work, and I wanted to share my thoughts about some of them with y’all.
Don’t Shop – Our dollars have power and we can use that spending power to hit corporations where it hurts.
Wear Red – I don’t know about y’all, but I have a ton of red in my closet. Bust out your favorite red cardigan, lipstick, pin or even shoes if you want.
Spread Positivity on Social Media – I am the first to admit that I can be Petty LaBelle at times (Thank you Luvvie for that term), but today’s not the day for that. We all love the feeling that comes with another woman paying you a compliment so let’s spread that feeling today. Tweet your favorite blogger and let her know she’s doing a great job. Send an uplifting email to a new mom. Write on your mom’s Facebook wall.
Make a Donation – You know that money you’re saving by not shopping? Give it to a charity that helps women in need. It doesn’t even have to be a monetary donation, you can volunteer at your local women’s shelter or donate clothes that you no longer need.
I’m not going to share all of their suggestions, you’ll have to head over to the article to see the rest. But please feel free to comment below or tweet me and let me know if you have any other suggestions!