I have to be honest, my weekday routine can get a bit monotonous at times but at this point I wouldn’t have it any other way. One of the things I enjoy about my job is the flexibility of schedule. I can work any 8 hours between 6A-6P and I take advantage of that flexibility.
I’m a morning person. I found this out after undergrad and I’ve accepted that about myself. I’m up at 4:45am on weekdays and my body will not let me sleep past 8AM on a weekend. This means I’m up and getting dressed for the day on a weekday well before the sun rises and I’m usually watching it rise during my commute to work, especially now. I’m usually at the office at 7AM, sometimes even before, and I use that quiet time to catch up on emails from the night before and earlier that morning along with tending to any priority one items. My role is a bit complex, that “other duties as assigned” card gets pulled quite a bit with my team, so I’m pulled in a million and one different directions once people start arriving in the office. So this hour to ninety minutes I have before the office gets busy is my peak time.
I usually eat breakfast while I’m working, and sometimes I’ll snack a bit, so I take a later lunch. I have some pretty awesome co-workers and we try to go out to lunch together at least once a week, but when we don’t and I bring my lunch I go to one of my favorite hidden corners and catch up on my shows on Hulu or Netflix while I chow down. My workday is typically over around 4:30PM and with my commute I’m usually walking in the door at 5PM.
I start my unwinding process by removing my makeup and going for a jog/walk. Weather permitting, I’ll do 2 miles before cleaning up and enjoying dinner. I try to my heavy meals during breakfast and lunch, so I’ll eat something light at dinner and sometimes enjoy a glass of wine before calling it a night at 9:45PM. That might sound early to most, but my sleep schedule is what keeps me functioning at 100%. Laying down at 9:45PM allows me be to asleep within 10-15 minutes.
I’d love to hear about y’alls routines; comment below and let me know!