Happy new year, y’all! No your eyes aren’t deceiving you, things look different around these parts. I’ve been on the fence these past few months about making the jump to WordPress, but I made the decision this past weekend and voila!
The process was easier than I thought it’d be but still difficult (I’ll get to the frantic call to GoDaddy’s tech support at 3AM in a bit), I was able to basically follow along with this step-by-step process (the Youtube video helped tremendously) and things were going well for a while. I was even able to get this cute theme at a great price. I was rocking and rolling along, adding plug-ins left and right until everything crashed! I kept getting 404 errors and was ready to call it a night when I decided to call GoDaddy’s tech support. I got the nicest and most helpful agent who got everything fixed up for me, and even fixed my DNS and permalink issues. I hope that nothing else goes wrong, but if it does I hope I get Kathryn again. I also decided that night to keep a plug-in tracker so that I’m able to find the error quicker than we did Saturday night.
My decision to switch to WordPress is one of many goals I’d set for myself for this year. I want to invest more in my blog and spend more time in this little space, sharing my thoughts and goings-on with y’all. I’m still trying to get the hang of this editorial calendar plug-in, but I have a few post ideas lined up on OneNote and I need to get them out “on paper”. So I’m asking that you guys bear with me while I’m still learning the WordPress ropes, because I have a feeling that this year is going to be pretty awesome for ‘Le Haute Jaz’ and for me!