I just realized that I haven’t done a post like this since I had my Samsung Galaxy S3, and that was almost a year ago! There are going to be some apps on this list that were also on that list, but there are a few new ones too.
Google Voice – This app has been one of my favorites for years and I don’t see that changing any time soon. I’ve had a GV number since they released them and that’s the number I usually give people (especially with online dating and in business situations until I got my work phone). Shoot, I still have family members who only have that number for me! This app makes it easy for me to manage my calls, voice mails and texts that I receive.
Pinterest – I like to pin on the go and this app helps me do that.
Hulu – I primarily use this on my iPad when I watch TV at work, but it’s nice to have on my phone too!
Netflix – See above.
Snapchat – I just started using it, but I can see why people like it. It’s addictive!
Pivotal Living – I use this app with my band to track my fitness.
Instacart – I usually place my orders on their site, but there have been times where I was out and wanted to make sure my groceries met me at home.
Dropbox – This is a godsend! Whether it’s grabbing a gif for an iMessage conversation or attaching a document to an email, I use Dropbox every day! I have 58GB free through various promotions and I might have to upgrade to the 1TB this year.
Microsoft Outlook – I actually found out about this app on another blog and it changed my life. I’m not a fan of Apple’s standard email app, and I actually use Outlook at home so this was perfect!
Hootsuite – So convenient when I want to post on multiple social media accounts at once. I also use it to schedule posts.
Spotify & Apple Music – I’ve used Spotify for years, but I might have to convert to Apple Music. I’ve been testing it out and I’m really liking it. We’ll see!

[…] had a similar post last year around this time and I thought it was time to update the list. I got a new phone after I posted that and have so […]