My prayer is for peace and understanding during this difficult time. I pray for justice and that people stop making broad generalizations. I swear it’s like a broken record and we can’t go a month without hearing another story like this. All of these stories are quite similar, but still different because each one of their lives matter. I’ve heard a bit of uproar about people using the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ during times like this; preferring that people use ‘All Lives Matter’ instead. I agree that all lives do matter, but with so many of these instances happening now it’s time to make it known that Black Live Matter. That the still matter and that they always will.
I know they get a bad rap, but I watched a lot of the coverage on Fox News and they kept referring to the peaceful protests. Yes, it was while they were covering the violence, but they did continually remind the audience that there were peaceful protests happening. For what it's worth.