I don’t know when it happened, but sometime in the past two years I started subconsciously following this Mean Girls rule. I didn’t realize I had that many pink items in my wardrobe, but apparently I do. I was checking this morning and I have enough work appropriate pink articles of clothing to wear an outfit with the color in it every day for two weeks. Umm, what?! When did this happen? My favorite color is blue, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that with all the pink things I own. I even gravitate to the color for my tech accessories.
I have a co-worker that jokingly checks every week to make sure that I have something on this girly shade and she hasn’t seen me yet today. Maybe she’ll check my blog before we see each other, if so HEY ARLENE!!
I love pink, but have hardly anything pink in my wardrobe. I should change that.