Where has the year gone? I can’t believe it’s August already. The kids will be going back to school soon (my nephew Ke’Mahr is actually starting kindergarten this year) and I’ll be the big 2-6 in two days!
I got back home from Toronto on Tuesday evening and haven’t even had the chance to unpack yet. My luggage is still in my living room, but I’ll take care of that when I get off of work tomorrow. I’d planned on coming home last night and doing a load of laundry but I didn’t realize how tired I was. I guess I was still on vacation time. This means that I don’t have a vacation recap for y’all yet, but I promise I will soon. Until then here are a few pictures I shared on Instagram over the weekend.
Don't feel bad. I've been back from Europe for two weeks and I haven't quite unpacked yet!