The most embarassing moment I always tell people about is from my freshman year of high school.
Picture this:
Homecoming game, halftime, we only have to march the finale part of our marching show because of everything else that goes on a halftime during the Homecoming game.
The last set of the show all I had to do was march 12 steps down the 50 yard line.
That’s it.
Of course I tripped.
And of course there was a tuba player behind me.
I don’t even know what I tripped on…to this day! It felt like I was down for forever when in reality I was down for like a second and a half.
I ended up breaking the flute (it was a loaner from the middle school I went to), but I walked away unscathed, everything except my pride. My mom and aunt were in the crowd and I was crying so hard and they laughed. I was upset at the time, but looking back on it, it was kind of funny.
It's funny how moments like this from school stick in your mind so much more than embarrassments later in life. If you parents are laughing as well, it just makes it even worse.
It's funny how moments like this from school stick in your mind so much more than embarrassments later in life. If you parents are laughing as well, it just makes it even worse.