I have bad news…I didn’t get the apartment.
The sad part is that when I originally started writing this post I was under the impression that I was getting it so it was starting off a lot differently. A lot more cheerful.
I’m not gonna let that get me down though. I’m going to go out for dinner with Meg and brush off my shoulders and keep my head high. I’ll also be at home for at least another month. *le sigh*
Anywho! I’m linking up with with Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Jamie @ This Kind of Love on this Pinteresting Wednesday again.
All of these pins can be found on my boards.
I’m loving how cute Mr. and Mrs. Carter looked at the inauguration on Monday. I’m not a big fan of her dress, but I love them together.
Speaking of the inauguration, I’m LOVING Michelle Obama’s gown from that evening. You know which one I’m talking about to…this one.
Jason Wu did it again. I love the bangs on Michelle, but I think that she could’ve done without the flips in her hair. Either way, great look FLOTUS!
I’m loving that Sasha & Malia are able to be kids. We haven’t had kids in the White House since the Kennedy’s and it’s always great to see them goof off and be kids.
While we’re on the inauguration train, I saw this picture on one of my friend’s Instagram account and laughed, hard!
The new Destiny’s Child: Beyonce, Michelle and Kelly.
I’m not loving this lustful look Pres. Clinton was giving Kelly. Will he never learn?
Onto another topic!
My mouth is watering looking at this red velvet waffle. I need to find the place that sells them. And the chicken on top of it looks delicious too! If I can find a recipe for the waffles I can try them out in my new waffle maker.
And as much as I don’t like to end on a bad note, but I’m not loving how emotional I was yesterday…for no reason at all! We had a tenant call in and say that they were too cold and I burst out in tears like Will Smith from this episode of Fresh Prince.
I don’t know about y’all, but I still cry like a baby when I see this episode.
The week is halfway over, get excited! It’s been a short week for me since I was off on Monday; and next week will be a short one as well since I’m taking off for Chuck’s birthday and treating him to a day of pampering.
Who’s an awesome girlfriend?
I’m so modest. Haha!!
What are y’all loving on this Pinteresting Wednesday?
This is my first visit to your blog, but I'm so sorry about your apartment. Hopefully this means there's even a better one down the road!
Beyonce is breathtakingly gorgeous. Sasha and Malia are so beautiful.
Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
Hold the phone, Red velvet waffles and chicken! YES PLEASE!!!
Chin up – we're pretty unpredictably emotional creatures we women…..mind you I often feel sorry for myself as I'm the only female in the house…LoL.
I adore Michelle Obama, she has a fun-loving and caring side and rarely wears the wrong thing. She's certainly fitting her title…..☼