This week’s theme is the internet!!
What is the first website you log into each day?
I have this routine that I do at work, I boot up my computer and open the necessary work related programs and open 2 Mozilla windows. One is for Google Voice (so I can text at work without being on my phone all day), Twitter and the main message board I’m a member of; the other window is for Blogger.
Give us some funny websites that you visit that we need to know about.
Pinterest or Facebook? Why?
This question is actually hard for me to answer. I’ve been on FB forever (or so it feels) so it’ll have a special place in my heart; but Pinterest shows me how to be a better me! Lol! Between all the clothing ideas, make-up ideas, DIY ideas and food ideas I’m becoming a whole new person.
Twitter or Instagram? Why?
A hybrid of both, my Instagam that feeds to my Twitter account. That’s the way I have it now and I don’t plan on changing that.
Favorite Youtube video?
This one is actually one of my favorites now. I think that KidFury is absolutely hilarious!
Biggest online pet peeve?
Pop-up ads, spam, captcha!!
What are some of y’alls favorites?