Linking up with Sar on this again!!
As much as I would love to say that this post probably isn’t going to be scheduled, I’m sure it is. It’s my off day and I don’t think I’ll even be around a computer today. I’ll probably have to link it up with my phone. Super tech savvy girl right here. Lol!
[Day 4]: What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Wow, this is another hard one. I had so many good memories growing up that it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. My family is extremely close and big so my sister and I grew up with my cousins. On any given weekend there were at least 6 or 7 girls at either my house or my Aunt Mary’s and we had a blast! We used to have my cousin Jermie tie his bike to a cart with a jump rope and pretend that he was the horse to our chariot, we cleaned out old baby food jars and filled them with water and flowers and tried selling them to people under the guise of perfume, we locked both doors of the Jack and Jill bathroom at my house once and had to unscrew the knob to open the doors. We were always getting into something, making up songs and dances, just having fun and doing what kids do.
Sometimes I miss the simpleness of those days
What about y’all?
Haaaahahaha, flowers in water as "perfume." To be fair, that's kind of a genius idea for a young child!
I loved the flower water as perfume as well!!! SO CUTE!
Great memories!
Thank you! Those were some fun times and we actually sold a few jars. 🙂
Thanks! We were entrepreneurs from a young age. Lol!