I feel like belting out this song.
I know that the song is about a relationship, but some of the words fit. Lol!
I can’t believe that this challenge is winding down. I’m really happy that I participated in it though. I’ve discovered quite a few new blogs and have been introduced to some amazing women. Thanks Sar again for this!
[Day 14]: If you were only allowed to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what movie would it be and why?
Judge me not people. This might not be the best movie in the world; shoot we all know that Jennifer isn’t the best actress in the world, but this is one of my favorite movies. Ever. I don’t know if its some of the cheesy lines (that I can quote word for word) or if it’s the little girl who plays Gracie and how she is so cute when she says “Good, because I’m sick and tired of moving” or if it’s just the good ass kicking she gives her ex at the end. I love this movie. If I’m home and it’s on, I’m watching it.
I highly recommend this movie to y’all. You can rent it or wait for Oxygen to run it; since it seems like they run it once a week.
What about you?
That movie gives me goosebumps! I hate domestic violence and so I love the goodness of JLo's intentions, but fighting also terrifies me!
I do still flinch when he hits her that first time, but the way she takes power at the end makes me happy. It just sucks that he had to die.