I didn’t get a chance to blog on Friday or this weekend between family movie night and just resting, so I wanted to make up for it today. Once again, I’m linking up with Meg @ Happy Day.
dear Monday,
I actually felt well rested when I woke up this morning and that’s always nice. I look forward to what this week will offer.
dear Live Nation,
Please cooperate with me when I buy my OVO Fest tickets this weekend. I still don’t know whether I’m going to buy them on Friday or Saturday though. Decisions, decisions.
dear Drake,
It seems like I’ll be seeing you again in a couple of months…but then again you already knew that. Oh! And you had me almost in tears on Punk’d!!
dear Jasmine,
I hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday. Love you girl!
dear Ryan,
I can’t believe I’m a month away from visiting you in Boston. I’m counting down the days chickadee!!!!
dear Snow White & The Huntsman,
You were good, but you had an anti-climactic ending. I expected more out of the wicked witch’s death scene. And Kristen, why must you breathe so damn hard in every movie you do? Sheesh! Sidenote: The score for the film was amazing! I definitely buying that.
dear Two men who saw me trying the catch that elevator and let the doors close in my face,
I guess not every guy in the South is a gentleman. Hmph!
dear Lunch,
You consisted of Vietnamese Chicken Pho Noodle Bowl and iced Refresh Tazo tea and you were delicious!
I’m also linking up with Meg @ Life of Meg for Mingle Monday!!!
Kristen Stewart's heavy breathing is my #2 reason for really disliking her as an actress. #1 is her excessive blinking. If you haven't already noticed this, then I apologize in advance. 😉
Oh yes, I've noticed the excessive blinking but I've tried to not think about that. I don't get why this girl keeps getting roles.