Linking up with Ashley @ Adventures of Newlyweds on this one!
dear Daddy, thank you for being the amazing dad you are yesterday. I know I didn’t really open up, but don’t think that I didn’t notice your “I’m going to take on the world for you” attitude and tone. I love you Pops!
dear Dallas, get ready! I’ll be in you this evening and I will shut you down! 🙂
dear Miller Outdoor Theatre, whoever thought to do the Motown Revue needs a bouquet of flowers and a drink. Great idea and great show!
dear Chuck, thank you once again for being you. You always seem to know what to do. I didn’t want you to see me as a crying and snotty mess, but you swooped in like my knight in shining armor and let me vent to you, drink tea and dance in the park (after dark…I really wanted to rhyme right there). I love you, though sometimes it seems you favor your mistress over me. Oh yeah, SLIM!
dear Long Weekend, you are going to be welcomed with opened arms!
dear Mosquitoes, go away. now
dear John Legend, you’re a musical genius who can do no wrong in my eyes musically. I currently have this song on repeat on my iPod.
cute letter girl 🙂
LOVE John Legend! Did you see him on Duets last night? I loved it!
Thank you! I read your letter and couldn't agree more about Smash, I've had "Stand", "History was made at night", "I'm going down", "Cheers" and "Shake it off" on repeat for like a week. 🙂
I did!! I already loved the song and the fact that they were doing it as a duet only made me love it more.