I’ve been having the most random dreams lately. Like the other night I had a dream that reminded me of a Dr. Who episode. My sister, nephew, niece and I all traveled back in time a year and wound up at a multi-purpose center doing a line dance with a bunch of people and Justin Timberlake. Apparently my purpose of going back was to tell Justin that he shouldn’t marry Denise Richards. Random!! Justin was wearing a denim shirt and the biggest smile on his face, and I could’ve sworn he was flirting with me. Hey, a girl can dream right? Lol!
The dream I had last night I had another dream where I was back in Tyler. This time I went back and had two roommates that I knew from Tyler, my nephew was visiting me, Tyler had a light rail system, and a waterslide at the dorms.
Random! I might need to find a dream book and see if I can interpret them.